Thomas Watson, the IBM founder, once said something like: If
you look at a company, you will know what kind of people work there. If you
look at the workers, you will know what kind of company they’re working for.
So for this article, we conducted an interview with an employee
who is getting a lot of compliments for her style of work. Her name is Luna Ahn
and she is an assistant manager for the Asia-Japan team, Sales Department of
Vatech Global.
Let’s find out her keys to success:
Let’s find out her keys to success:
1) Stay strong
words that characterize her are “persistence” and “effort”. For 10 years, from the age
of 11, she was a taekwondo player and has won
many gold medals at national competitions. So, from then on, she has honed her
competitive character, which now
helps her at work.
2) Ask if you don’t know something
In June 2012, when Luna was already working for two years in
VATECH, an incident happened. Her team leader left the company and suddenly she
was entrusted to be the team leader of China sales team. She panicked. She didn’t
know what to do and how to lead a team of mostly newcomers, who worked in the
team for only 6 months. Since she didn’t have any experience yet in leading a
team, she started to ask questions to other seniors in the other teams. She
asked 50 to 100 questions per day and wasn’t ashamed of it. Luna didn’t have any
other way. In return for their help, she would treat her colleagues with
lunches and dinners, and express her gratitude to them. This situation shows how
important it is to find ways for cooperation.
3) Continuous efforts
During IDS 2011 in Germany, everyone in the sales and marketing
teams were booked to participate in the exhibition, except for Luna. Her English
skill then was far from being perfect, so she was left behind. But luckily one
employee couldn't go, so she got the chance to participate in the exhibition.
At the exhibit, Luna was assigned to handle Pax-Flex3D and from that day on she
started to learn English diligently. She put a lot of efforts in practice and
learning new terminologies. Luna believes that if you work with pleasure, you will
always find the energy and ways to resolve problems. Until now, she still fills
her excel file with new English words.
4) Learn from mistakes
Throughout her career, she has made a lot
of mistakes, of course. But there is one rule that she always keeps in mind: Report an error immediately to your
superior. You should be responsible for it though.
So now, she always checks every tiny detail, even the spelling of addressee,
because to do your work well, you need to start from the basics.
5) Constant measurement of growth
Besides the company’s business target, she always sets her
own goal. “Pretty Luna” as dealers call her, always finds new markets and ways
to sell more of our products. Step by step, checking her goals every day, she
goes to her target and she is growing every day.
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